Systemic Constellations & Shamanisms
Online Course
MARCH 15 TO APRIL 12, 2022
The course is most likely to be offered in Spanish. Connect with us for further details.
Systemic constellations in dialogue with the animistic perspective of shamanic traditions make a powerful ally in the quest for healing and awakening, highlighting the family and relational dynamics that inform our daily lives. Often times, such dynamics, so vital for a clear mind and a light heart, arise from invisible loyalties that span generations or from ties to natural settings or non-human beings.
Through systemic and shamanic explorations we will rediscover the compassionate flow at the heart of our relations. This flow releases the wise energy that leads us on the path of our destiny in harmony with the movements of the Great Soul. In this way, we may honor the spiritual core of our existence, tuning in to our rightful place as individuals and as participants in the network of wider wholes and ancestral forces.
We will explore
- An integrative and relational understanding of the challenges and virtues of our lives as the foundation of healing and wellbeing.
- Refine and experience a systemic and symbolic perspective in service of health and psycho-emotional development.
- An expanded psychology in dialogue with the animistic knowledge of shamanic traditions to accommodate fresh perspectives and resolutions.
- Systemic and shamanic interventions so as to activate your inner potentials and the blessings of your family system.
- Practices you can incorporate into your work in the field of healing and mental health.
The course is composed of 6 face-to-face online classes and 4 counseling sessions that combine presentations, dialogue, meditations, and experiential activities.
4 classes of 2 hours
once a week. Sessions are recorded for your convenience.
1 three-hour experiential session
4 counseling sessions
1 integration session
dedicated to questions and reflections
Learning materials and weekly practices
Constant contact with a learning community through the virtual classroom.
Date | Topic |
March 15 | 1. In Search of the Center: Shamanisms & Systems |
March 22 | 2. The Tree of Life: Psychogeneaology & Ancestral Lineage |
March 22 & 25 | Counseling 1 & 2 |
March 29 | 3. Entanglement, Shadow & Awakening |
April 2 | 4. Systemic and Shamanic Interventions |
April 5 | 5. A Heart made God(des) |
April 7 & 8 | Counseling 3 & 4 |
April 12 | 6. Transgenerational Memory |
We’ll meet a total of 10 times between March 16 and April 20 (5 sessions of 2 hours, 1 experiential session of 3 hours, and 4 counseling sessions). Each class includes learning materials and practices. Approximately every two weeks there will be two 60 min. counseling sessions during the same week of our Tuesday session. The course finishes with an integration session (see Calendar).
All sessions take place via Zoom (online platform). We use Teachable as our virtual classroom, where we host educational contents and serves as an interactive platform. We recommend that you take some time to familiarize yourself with these simple platforms before the beginning of the course.
Tuesday Weekly Schedule
(March 15, 22 & 29 and April 5 & 12)
- 4:00 pm EUA, PST
- 6:00 pm México central
- 7:00 pm Santiago
- 8:00 pm Brasilia
Experiential session (April 2)
- 9:00 am EUA, PST
- 11:00 am México central
- 12:00 pm Santiago de Chile
- 1:00 pm Brasilia
Who’s the Course for?
The course is open for everyone with an interest in soul-level health, personal development, and personal and familial psycho-emotional wellbeing. Psychologists, therapists, coaches, teachers, healers, ritualists and the like, will find the course of particular interest.
The cost of the course is $240.00 USD
If you sign up with a friend (2 people), each will receive a $25 USD discount. If you are interested in joining and don’t have the financial resources to do so, please contact us.
There’s a minimum of 12 people registered for the course to run.