The Bioalchemy Institute is dedicated to healing the relation between humans and the rest of nature through a transformative education for body, mind, and spirit.
We are participants in an intense and unprecedented socio-ecological planetary crisis, with deep roots in human consciousness. Climate change, pervasive meaninglessness, mass extinction of species, the mental health epidemic, escalating social violence, political polarization, addictive consumption of resources, and the exorbitant levels of pollution are symptoms of the seemingly insolluble crisis. The psychological dysfunction, ecological disconnection, and spiritual orphanhood at the basis of our lives ensure a trajectory filled with suffering for Earth’s community.
At the same time, the possibility of transformation is always latent, like a patient seed awaiting germination. At this moment, there’s the possibility to embrace and celebrate life through spiritual and ancestral teachings that complement contemporary psychospiritual developments that potentiate the much needed metamorphosis into humanity’s real essence. In the depths of nature dwells the potential for transformation and the re-creation of humanity, nourished by the wise guidance of the community of life. Furthermore, the blossoming of a more viable, healthy, and fulfilling life is inevitable.
“Nature is a magnificent temple that safeguards the most intimate secrets of the human experience and the wisdom that leads to the free unfolding of the soul’s wings”
Bioalchemy represents a profound excercise of self-exploration and harmonization with the energies of nature. Following the voice that emanates from the landscapes of the personal and planetary soul leads to recovering invaluable pearls of transformative wisdom, making visible a path of integration and wholeness. This voice faithfully follows nature’s unfolding: the call of a bird, the shape of a cloud, the patterned veins of a leaf or the laughter of a daughter manifest in consonance with human’s deepest longing.
In light of this intimate interdependence and similarity between humans and the web of life, Bioalchemy cultivates three interconnected dimensions: self-discovery, reconnection to nature, and regenerative action.

This foundation requires a transdisciplinary and integrative approach to human transformation, reflected in the four orientations of the Institute and its various offerings.
If you’d like to know more about Bioalchemy’s origins and initial formulation we invite you to read “Bioalchemy and Nature’s Gold“.

Psychotherapeutic accompaniment responds to a need of deep health and wellbeing that leads to a path of peaceful blossoming. We share the essential task of introspection, self-care, and conscious attention of our inner realities as we traverse the many stages of our life on Earth.