Inner transformative processes in tune with nature’s cycles serve as the core inspiration of the Institute’s various tasks. This endless adventure serves as a main reference in our lives, helping us recover an authentic, equanimous orientation full of meaning and direction amidst the web of life. It’s through conscious integration with life’s web and its perennial requirement of surrender and recreation that a true “ecological Self” might emerge in reciprocal, compassionate, and attentive relation with the deep ecology of reality.
The needed transition towards a healthy, wakeful, and regenerative culture derived from the activation of the ecological Self depends on a profound transformation of the role and function of the human in the planetary community. This ongoing exercise brings a valuable realization: the goal centers on taking responsibility, awareness, and the ability to nourish the roots that sustain our existence.
So, we can say that the evolutionary transformation at the collective level must take place at the level of the individual. Such personal transformation requires an essential gaze inward, not as narcissistic absorption, but toward the encounter with the ecological Self and its intimate belonging to the living Earth.
The Bioalchemy Institute celebrateas a variety of transformative wisdom that guides us to the innate fluidity and freedom of our inner landscapes. This inner expansiveness is deeply connected to the health of the ecologies around us.
One of our main goals is to assist in the awakening of a sense of belonging and unity with the planet and life itself, fruit of the ongoing transformative composting of our sense of self into more refined versions out which an innate respect for nature and and all creation is born. To catalyze this transformation, we invite:
A compassionate understanding of the inner landscapes of our shared humanity, so we may cultivate personal, social, ecosystemic regeneration.
An integrative and systemic approach that weaves different areas of knowledge and activates the various intelligences we are endowed with.
A deep perspective that addresses the root paradigm(s) out of which emerges the biological, ecological, and cultural erosion we are facing.
A celebration of the current historical moment through overseeing a transformation into humanity’s real nature.
The inclusion of a psycho-spiritual and transpersonal framework as fundamental ally in the quest of health and viability.
The great need of reconnecting to Earth by way of contemplation and action.