Therapy & Healing

In Bioalchemy, we practice and share the essential exercise of introspection, self-care, and conscious tending of our inner realities as we traverse the different stages of life on Earth. We believe that therapeutic-type accompaniment is neither a luxury nor is it exclusive of people with “issues”, but a necessity of health and wellbeing that leads us on a path of peace and flourishing.
Below you’ll find a directory of friends and collaborators of the Institute that share spaces of healing and therapeutic accompaniment from their own strenghts and styles.
Adrián Villaseñor Galarza (USA/México) – Integral Ecopsychology
The miracle of existence is varied and complex, filled with nuance and overtones that comprise the human experience. In certain instances—grieving, loss and mourning, existential crises, psycho-spiritual quests, life transitions, etc.—it is of great help to walk accompanied.
Adrián offers a therapeutic accompaniment that oversee the self-healing processes of the consultant, while assisting in reconnecting with the ever-present wisdom that flows from within. The main schools and perspectives that inform his work are: Jungian Psychology & Ecopsychology, Systemic and Transpersonal Psychology, Contemplative Traditions, Animist & Ancestral Approaches.
The sessions aim to unveil the often hidden messages and allies in life that constantly invite us to embody the vibrancy and fullness of our true Self to deepen on our own paths of awareness, beauty, compassion, and authenticity.
Sessions are conducted in English & Spanish
Ana Karla Enríquez Reyes (México) – Psychologist & Psychotherapist
Ana Karla offers therapeutic conversations encompassing narrative practices and meditation. She is inspired by recognizing the biological bases of acceptance, love, and socialization, and working on developing the observing “I” as a means of opening possibilities when choosing a given path.
Sessions are conducted in Spanish
Felipe Landaeta Farizo (Chile) – Psychologist & PhD in Transpersonal Psychology
In his approach to therapeutic accompaniment, Felipe invites us on a journey of discovery to find new meanings to what we are experiencing, be it a symptom, problem, illness, spiritual quest, crisis, etc. Different methods are used that incorporate and validate the felt experience, such as Focusing, Meditation, Holotropic Breathwork, Systemic Constellations and/or EMDR.
What is fundamental is the recognition of the lights and shadows of life, and the need to transform the relationship with one's own experience as a way of accessing self-knowledge and a more compassionate approach. The objective is to promote a review of the way in which we relate to others and to our context, while fostering inward growth.
Sessions are conducted in English & Spanish
Alejandra Balado (Argentina/México) - Somatic Counseling
Through a somatic approach, Alejandra invites the cultivation of the body’s wisdom by inhabiting the landscape of the body; observing what it says, expressing what it feels, integrating other perspectives to the ongoing process. Honoring the body, conjuring the new. Sessions are conducted in Spanish
In most cases, online sessions are offered through Zoom, and each practitioner has their own costs. Please contact the therapist/practitioner directly or get in touch with us with your queries and clarifications.