“The Great Turning: Awakening to Earth’s Blooming” Adrián Villaseñor Gallarza (2015)

The Great Turning

Awakening to Earth’s Blooming

Adrián Villaseñor Galarza (2015)

The Great Turning explores the work of Joanna Macy and collaborators from a “Southern” point of view, both geographically and metaphorically, as it’s lived and applied in Latin America.

The resulting chorus of voices energizes the possibility of a better world, celebrating a much-needed shift in consciousness, creativity, and service on behalf of the Earth community.

The presentation of a theoretical framework that draws from Macy’s Work That Reconnects and an integral-ecological perspective serves as the foundation of the various essays that conform the second half of the book.

“In celebrating the promise of this book, I bow to Adrian Villasenor for his vision and his care in bringing it forth. As activist, teacher, scholar, and healer, he belongs to the Great Turning and lives his life in service to it…May the words and testimonies he has gathered here reach farther yet, flowing out in widening circles.”

Joanna Macy, PhD

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