“The Wild Call of Nature” Adrián Villaseñor Galarza (2020)

The Wild Call of Nature

Adrián Villaseñor Galarza (2020)

A deep-seated confusion guides the lives of domesticated humans, causing a crisis of planetary proportions. With all their fervor and devotion, the forest keepers summon the presence of the Great Mother to assist their human kin.

Under the guidance of a variety of creatures, Artemio embarks on a journey through the uncertain and bewildering paths of the Wild Spirit, putting him face to face with the holy mystery dwelling in the jungles of his own being.

This is my first Fiction book that falls under the category of (eco)magical realism. In the “Wild Call,” I attempt to convey essential ideas that inform my work in a more relatable manner, especially relevant in these times of transformation, collapse, and great creative potentials.

Adrián Villaseñor Galarza
Available at