“Ancestral Healing: Millenary Legacies in Service of the Soul” Adrián Villaseñor Galarza (2018) (Spanish Edition)

Ancestral Healing

Millenary Legacies in Service of the Soul

Adrián Villaseñor Galarza (2018)

In these times of haste and plastic, of hyperindividualism and consumerism, the song of the soul resounds clear and incorruptible in the depths of our being.

At such level where health and disease are engendered, our ancestral legacies are an essential ally in recovering fragments of our humanity lost to repression.

This call to the roots, to the depths of soul, invites us to look with new eyes and recognize that this precious life is s gift of our ancestors.

Personal health and fulfilling our personal destity are woven in the transgenerational lattice that sustains us all. Treading the paths of soul vivifies the human experience, leading us to fulfill, in beauty, the ancestral destiny that we always carried within.

“Insightfully piercing the illusory veil of generational forgetfulness rampant in disenchanted reductionist thinking, Adrián poignantly and elegantly resuscitates the indigenous heart. The author weaves this timely offering as a strand of iridescent hope, reconciliation and celebration into the grand tapestry of this holy, wild shapeshifting altar of ever-present Becoming. Seamlessly integral and effortlessly lucid, Sanación ancestral critically synergizes a wide range of disciplines in this bundle of creative medicine and refined beauty.”

Jeff Jenkins, PhD.
Director, Spiritual Ecology Center

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